CM News
The Dive Rite O2ptima CM is one of the newest CCRs on the market and is sure the most versatile. We created this page so you can learn a little more about some of the projects that this small but powerful rebreather has been a part of. You can read about some of the incredible dives and projects that the CM CCR has been used on.
CHoptima News

Build it and they will come...
March, 2021—This interview was more than a quarter century in the making, and I for one am glad that we finally got it done. I am sure that Mr. Hires is too. Now with its completion, Lamar Hires, one of the stalwart pioneers of cave and technical diving, can finally take his place in this gallery of early trailblazers that graced the pages of my magazine aquaCORPS Journal (1990-1996)....